Tuesday 27 July 2010

A little about myself and Powder Room Vintage

So now I must introduce myself and my business Powder Room Vintage, so that you know what I am about and what you may expect to read in my future postings. I am a mother to two beautiful children, Louis-two and a half and Manon-eleven months. They take 99 per cent of my time and I adore them but for that one per cent that I may have to myself, I have chosen to indulge my passions for vintage clothing and glamorous parties by setting up Powder Room Vintage from which I sell said clothing and small antiques plus organising fabulous events where women can attend to escape the drudgery of every day life and be transported to the days where glamour was the up most priority, not just in what they wore-although special mention must go to those women of the forties and fifties who were always perfectly coiffed, beautifully made-up and who matched their accessories so beautifully-that to me is indeed the ideal-but going back to the events-I want to create a whole experience where women can mix with like-minded women who really want an occasion to dress up for and to spend time in glorious surroundings whilst sipping their wine, perusing fabulous vintage items for sale and watching entertainment that harks back to a different more elegant era.

I held my first event, An Evening of Vintage Glamour in June at the Hotel du Vin, Tunbridge Wells, a stunning location-two hundred women attended and were transported away from gruelling jobs and an all-consuming life of a mother. It was such a huge success that I will follow it with a Winter Evening of Vintage Glamour at the same venue on the 18th November. I also have a vintage tea party lined up and as I previously mentioned a pop-up boutique opening. I am doing this wholly for the enjoyment (I am not sure how much profit I could ever make from such event as I plough any money back into making sure the next event is just right-plus I am such a shopaholic, I cannot possibly help the purchases of yet more clothing and accessories that I simply must have and surely deserve). But being a mother of two small children, it is so refreshing to be involving myself in something I simply adore doing-just to feel like a little bit of me is coming alive again and I am not just Louis' mum. And in time, I want to show the good women of Tunbridge Wells that there is a way to bring glamour in to your life-even when it seems hopeless that as a new mum, you will never leave the house for an evening out of pure unadulterated fun, that it really is possible to wear heels after one has given birth-and one must as there is no other footwear that could ever look as elegant and make one walk like a lady.

I will be back to share tips on modern day glamour, beauty and all that lies in between!

Till next time.

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